Jason Haddix: How to Shot Web
Tactical Fuzzing, XSS
Many user use Polyglot payloads.
- OWASP, XSS Filter Evasion Cheat Sheet
- Ashar Javed XSS Research
- Mathias Karlsson Polyglot Payloads
- XSS and SQLi Polyglot payloads
- SecLists payloads
Polyglot payloads
XSS polyglot payload by Rsnake
Ashar Javed from his XSS PhD research
‘“>><marquee><img src=x onerror=confirm(1)></marquee>”></plaintext\></|\><plaintext/onmouseover=prompt(1)><script>prompt(1)</script>@gmail.com<isindex formaction=javascript:alert(/XSS/) type=submit>’—>”></script><script>alert(1)</script>”><img/id=“confirm(1)”/alt=“/“src=“/“onerror=eval(id&%23x29;>’”><img src=“http://i.imgur.com/P8mL8.jpg”>
XSS polyglot payload by Mathias Karlsson:
An SQLi polyglot payload by Mathias Karlsson:
SLEEP(1) /*’ or SLEEP(1) or’” or SLEEP(1) or “*/
SQL specifics
- Blind is predominant, error based is highly unlikely.
- SQLMap is king
- Use
to parse a Burp log file. - Use Tamper Scripts for backlists.
- SQLiPy burp plugin works well to instrument SQLmap quickly.
- Use
DBMS Specific Resources
- PentestMonkey's MySQL Injection Cheatsheet
- Reiners MySQL Injection Filter Evasion Cheatsheet
- EvilSQL's Error/Union/Based MSSQL Cheatsheet
- PentestMonkey's MSSQL SQLi Injection Cheatsheet
- Oracle
- PentestMonkey's Oracle SQLi Cheatsheet
- PostgreSQL
- PentestMonkey's Postgres SQLi Cheatsheet
- Others
- Access SQLi Cheatsheet
- PentestMonkey's
- Ingres SQLi Cheatsheet
- DB2 SQLi Cheatsheet
- Informix SQLi Cheatsheet
- SQLite3 Injection Cheatsheet
- Ruby on Rails (Active Record) SQL Injection Guide
Malicious File Upload
Common attack vector in this type of testing. File upload functions need a lot of protections to be adequately secure.
- Upload unexpected file format to achieve code exec (swf, html, php, php3, aspx, ++), web shells or...
- Execute XSS via same type of files. Images as well!
- Attack the parser to DoS the site or XSS via storing payloads in metadata or file header.
- Bypass security zones and store malware on target site via file polyglots.
Many sites will have CSRF protection, focus on CSRF bypass!
- Remove CSRF token from request
- Remove CSRF token parameter value
- Add bad control chars to CSRF parameter value
- Use a second identical CSRF param
- Change POST to GET
Often logic, priv, auth bugs are blurred. Autorize Burp plugin is pretty neat.
- Find site functionality that is restricted to certain user types.
- Try accessing those functions with lesser/other user roles.
- Try to directly browse to views with sensitive information as a lesser privileged used.
Ex: Testing user priv:
- admin has power
- peon has none
- peon can use function only meant for admin
Insecure Direct Object References (IDOR)
IDORs are common place in bounties, and hard to catch with scanners.
Find any and all UIDs:
- increment
- decrement
- negative values
- Attempt to perform sensitive functions substituting another UID
- Change password
- Forgot password
- Admin only functions
Logic flaws that are tricky, mostly manual:
- substituting hashed parameters
- step manipulation
- use negative in quantities
- authentication bypass
- application level DoS
- timing attacks
Data Driven Assessment
- Visit search, registration, contact, password reset, and comment forms, and hit them with your polyglot strings.
- Scan those specific functions with Burp's built-in scanner.
- Check your cookie, log out, check cookie, log in, check cookie. Submit old cookie, see if access.
- Perform user enumeration checks on login, registration, and password reset.
- Do a reset and see if, password comes plaintext, uses a URL based token, is predictable, can be used multiple times, or logs you in automatically.
- Find numeric account identifiers anywhere in URLs and rotate them for context change.
- Find security-sensitive function(s) of files and see if vulnerable to non-auth browsing (IDORs), lower-auth browsing, CSRF, CSRF protection bypass, and see if they can be done over HTTP.
- Directory brute for top short lists on SecLists.
- Check upload functions for alternate file types that can execute code (xss, php, etc...)
Things to take with you
- Crowdsourced testing is different enough to pay attention to.
- Crowdsourcing focuses on the 20% because 80% goes quick.
- Data analysis can yield the most successfully attacked areas.
- 15 minute web test, done right, could yield a majority of your criticial vulns.
- Add polyglots to your toolbet.
- Use SecLists to power your scanners.
- Remember to periodically referesh your game with the wisdom of other techniques and other approaches.