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  • TCP
  • UDP
  • Rapid STP

TCP: Transmission Control Protocol.

  • Reliable Transport.
  • Segments are acknowledged.

Before Segments are sent between devices, the devices go through or create a virtual connection with each other by going through what is called a Three Way Handshake. By default, for everey segment that is sent, I expect an acknowledgment in return from the other end, and if I don't receive it, I simply resend this segment. You can customize in such a way that for example we expect an acknowledgmenet for every 10 segments.

Three Way Handshake

H1 -> SYN -> H2
H1 <- SYN / ACK <- H2
H1 -> ACK -> H2

UDP: User Datagram Protocol

  • Connectionless Unreliable Transport.
  • Segments are not acknowledged.

Rapid STP: Rapid Spanning Tree Protocol

Uses a quick Proposal Agreement Process on point-to-point links to rapidly put the port into a forwarding state without causing disruption in services or creating a loop.


  1. Blocking
  2. Listening
  3. Learning
  4. Forwarding


  1. Discarding
  2. Discarding
  3. Learning
  4. Forwarding