Activity Selection Problem
The problem of scheduling sveral competing activities that require exclusive use of a common resource, with a goal of selecting a maximum-size set of mutually compatible activities.
Suppose we have a set S = {a1, a2, ..., an}
of n
proposed activities that wish to use a resource. Each activity ai
has a start time si
and a finish time fi
, where 0 <= si < fi < infinity
. If selected, activity ai
takes place during hald-open time interval [si, fi)
. Activities ai
and aj
are compatible if th eintervals [si, fi)
and [sj, fj)
do not overlap. That is, if si >= fj
or sj >= fi
We assume that the activities are sorted in monotonically increasing order of finishing time:
f1 <= f2 <= ... <= fn
Greedy Approach
We start by thinking about a dynamic-programming solution, in which we consider several choices when determining which subproblems to use in an optimal solution.
We shall then observe that we need to consider only one choice (the greedy choice) and then when we make the greedy choice, only one subproblem remains.
We shall complete the process of developing a greedy solution by converting the recursive algorithm to an interative one.
Optimal substructrure of the activity-selection problem
Let’s denote Sij
the set of activities that start after activity ai
finishes and finish before activity aj
Suppose that we wish to find a maximum set of mutually compatibile activities in Sij
, and suppose further than such a maximum set is Aij
, which includes some activity ak
. By including ak
in an optimal solution, we are left with two subproblems:
- Finding mutually compatible activities in set
. - Finding mutually compatible activities in set
Let Aik = Aij ^ Sik
and Akj = Aij ^ Skj
, so that Aik
contains activities in Aij
that finish before ak
starts and Akj
contains activities in Aij
that start after ak
Thus, we have Aij = Aik U {ak} U Akj
, and so the maximum-size set Aij
of mutually compatible activities in Sij
consists of |Aij| = |Aik| + |Akj| + 1
We can show that the optimal solution Aij
must also include optimal solutions to the two subproblems for Sik
and Skj
. If we could find a set Bkj
of mutually compatible activities in Skj
where |Bkj| > |Akj|
, then we could use Bkj
rather than Akj
, in a solution to the subproblem for Sij
. We would have constructed a set of |Aik| + |Bkj| + 1 > |Aik| + |Akj| + 1 = |Aij|
mutually compatible activities, which contradicts the assumption that Aij
is an optimal solution. A symmetric argument applies to the activities in Sik
This way of characterizing optimal substructure suggests that we might solve the activity-selection problem by dynammicp rogramming. If we denote the size of an optimal solution for the set Sij
by c[i,j]
, then we would have the following recurrence.
c[i,j] = c[i,k] + c[k,j] + 1
If we did not know that optimal solution for the set Sij
includes activity ak
, we would have to examine all activities in Sij
to find which one to choose.
c[i,j] = if Sij == empty => 0
c[i,j] = if Sij != empty => mak ak in Sij { c[i,k] + c[k,j] + 1 }
We could then develop a recursive algorithm and memoize it, or we could work bottom-up and fill in table entries as we go along. But we would be overlooking another important characteristic of the activity-seleciton problem what we can use to great advantage.
Making the greedy choice
What if we could choose an activity to add to our optimal solution without having to first solve all the subproblems? The greedy choice.
Intuition suggests that we should choose an activity that leaves the resource available for as many other activities as possible. Now, of the activities we end up choosing, one of them must be the first one to finish. Therefore, choose activity in S
with the earliest finish time (if more than one has it, then any such activity). In other words, since the activities are stored in monotonically increasing order by finish time, the greedy choice is activity a1
Choosing the first activity to finish is not the only way to think of making a greedy choice for this problem.
If we make the greedy choice, we haveo nly one remaining subproblem to solve, finding activities that start after a1
Why don’t we have to consider activities that finish before a1
starts? We have that s1 < f1
and f1
is the earliest finish time of any activity, and therefore no activity can have a finish time less than or equal to s1. Thus, all activities that are compatible with activity a1
must start after a1
Let Sk = { ai in S : si > fk}
be the set of activities that start after activity ak
finishes. If we make the greedy choice of activity a1
, then S1
remains as the only one subproblem to solve. Optimal substructure tells us that if a1
is in the optimal solution, then an optimal solution to the original problem consists of activity a1
and all the activities in an optimal solution to the subproblem S1
Proving intuition correct
Theorem: consider any nonempty subproblem SK
, and let am
be an activity in Sk
with the earliest finish time. Then am
is included in some maximum-size subset of mutually compatible activities of Sk
Proof: Let Ak
be a maximum-size subset of mutually compatible activities in Sk
, and let aj
be an activity in Ak
with the earliest finish time. If aj = am
, we are done, since we have shown that am
is in some maximum-size subset of mutually compatible activities of Sk
If aj != am
, let the set A'k = Ak - {aj} U {am}
be Ak
but substituting am
for ak
. The activities in A'k
are disjoint, which follos because the activities in Ak
are disjoint, aj
is the first activity in Ak
to finish, and fm <= fj
. Since |A'j| = |Ak|
we conclude that A'k
is a maximum-size subset of mutually compatible activities of Sk
, and it includes am
Top-down design
Al algorithm to solve the activity-selection problem does not need to work bottom-up, like a table-based dynamic programming algorithm. Instead, it can work top-down, choosing an activity to put into the optimal solution and then solving the subproblem of choosing activities from those that are compatible with those already chosen.
Greedy algorithms typically have this top-down design: make a choice and then solve a subproblem, rather than the bottom-up technique of solving subproblems before making a choice.
Recursive greedy algorithm
takes start and finish times of activities, represented as arrays s
and f
, the index k
that defines the subproblem Sk
it is to solve, and the size n
of the original problem. It returns a maximum-size set of mutually compatible activities in Sk
. We assume that the n
input activities are already ordered by monotonically increasing finish time.
In order to start, we add the ficticious activity 0
with f0 = 0
, so that subproblem S0
is the entire set of activities S
. The initial call, which solves the entire problem, is RECURSIVE_ACTIVITY_SELECTOR(s, f, 0, n)
m = k + 1
// find the first activity in Sk to finish (assumming orded by monotically increasing finish time)
while m <= n and s[m] < f[k]:
m = m + 1
if m <= n:
return { am } U RECURSIVE_ACTIVITY_SELECTOR(s, f, m, n)
else return { }
The while
loop looks for the first activity in Sk
to finish, so that am
is compatible with ak
: such an activity has sm >= fk
. If the loop terminates is because it finds such an activity. Alternatively, the loop may terminate because m > n
, in which case, we havec examined all activities in Sk
without finding one that is compatible with ak
Iterative greedy algorithm
We can easily convert our recursive procedure to an iterative one, maintaining the same assumptions.
n = s.length
A = { a1 }
k = 1
for m = 2 to n
if s[m] >= f[k]
A = A U { am }
k = m
return A